NAMES 2007


NAMES 2007, the 3rd France-Russia Seminar on New Achievements in Materials and Environmental Sciences took place in Metz (France) on 7-9 November 2007.  

The conference highlights fundamentals and development of the five main themes connected to the ARCUS project with possible extension to other topics.

The five mains subjects included in Arcus Project are:

  • Bulk-Surface-Interface material sciences
  • Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies
  • Environment and Natural resources
  • Plasma physics —ITER Project
  • Vibrational dynamics.

Organization committees

Chairwoman and Chairman of the seminar

Clotilde Boulanger (France)
Yu S. Karabasov (Russia)
Jean Steinmetz (France)

Coordinator Franco-Russe

Lev Filippov

Seminar Organizers

Clotilde Boulanger
Patrice Bourson
Lev Filippov
Alain Maiffert

This seminar is organized by: Paul Verlaine University of Metz, Henri Poincare University of Nancy, INPL of Nancy, and the laboratories LETAM, LMOPS, LPMM, LCSM/LEM, LPMD of the Paul Verlaine university (coordinator Samuel Margueron)

International organizing and scientific committees

E. Gousakov, V. Petrov, T.P. Lubimova, K.V. Fedotov, S. Kostriskii, E.A.Levashov, V. Shur,
M. Aillerie, Z. Ayadi, J.P Bauer, G. Bonhomme, C. Fressengeas, E. McRae, A. Postnikov, F. Wagner, J. Yvon


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